Innovation Exchange challenge: Vibration Monitoring Wearables

Cadent Gas Limited want to identify improved means of monitoring their field operatives exposure to Hand Arm Vibration (HAV).

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Selected solution(s) will be trialled in pilot studies, with the possibility of further adoption upon successful trials, co-developed with the challenge holder.

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Innovation Exchange is working with Cadent Gas Limited to identify improved means of monitoring their field operatives exposure to Hand Arm Vibration (HAV). They want to improve upon the limitations of their current monitoring system particularly in terms of usability and data quality. Cadent are keen to trial robust, durable, ATEX certified potential systems with a view to wider roll-out within 12 months.

Entrants are expected to be established businesses, SMEs or individual entrepreneurs and start-ups that are UK based, or have the intention to set up a UK base.

Solution requirements

We are seeking a system that can provide high confidence objective daily data of each operative’s exposure to HAV hazards. The system would both provide instantaneous warning to the operative of increasing risk as well as providing data to a cloud-based platform that can be reviewed by safety teams.

We are open to alternative approaches and novel techniques. We understand the flaws of the current system so there is some expectation of wearable technology uploading to a cloud-based platform combined with a tool mounted sensor.

We are interested to explore solutions that are near market ready (TRL 6) and higher with a view to being deployable inside of 3-6 months. We are interested in exploring more emergent, disruptive, technology but are unlikely to trial at this juncture.

The solution must / should:

  • Have minimal dependencies on human actions
  • Hold data until it can be reliably uploaded; many activities are in locations that have extremely poor network coverage
  • Data uploads must have a date stamp of the activities, even if uploading multiple days
  • For normal use, the hardware (including batteries) is expected to have a usable life exceeding 3 years
  • Hardware needs to be compact so that it does not affect use of the tools or the operator’s freedom of movement
  • Accepting that some items will suffer breakage, ease of replacement or repair is required

Further details of technical and operational requirements are available at the link below.

Rewards & Market Opportunity

Successful applicants will be given an opportunity to pitch to Cadent; please note that this may be face to face in the Midlands if hardware is to be examined.

Selected solutions will be trialled by Cadent over a 3-6 month period, with potential for wider adoption in circa 12 months if trials are successful.

The solution has the potential for deployment in Cadent across circa 500 operatives; it is observed that this is a common challenge across the utilities and construction sectors.

The benefits package for a successful applicant may also include:

  • Support from KTN
  • Support in the development of a prototype or pilot
  • Technical support
  • Invitation to attend or present at KTN events
  • A potential business collaboration
  • Investor introductions (if investment is required)
  • Support if any Innovate UK or similar competitions are relevant.

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Innovation Exchange

Innovation Exchange

Innovate UK Innovation Exchange is a cross-sector programme supporting innovation transfer by matching industry challenges to innovative companies from other sectors. It does this by putting large businesses with technical needs in contact with companies who have the right innovative solutions, for faster development of novel solutions.


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