Smart Design Workshop Series

Join us at this workshop series to take a deep-dive into three different innovation strands identified in the Innovate UK’s material and manufacturing vision 2050.

Event Details

A series of workshops being held on 8, 15 and 22 October 2024



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About the workshop series


Building on the Materials and manufacturing vision 2050: Reimagining materials and manufacturing together, this series of workshops will take a deeper dive into the aspects of Smart Design.

The Innovate UK material and manufacturing vision 2050 states:

  • Effective design methods, design for resource efficiency, and design for maximum through-life value will be at the heart of UK manufacturing.
  • Sophisticated design tools are widely adopted to augment human capabilities with technology. Data-supported lifecycle-thinking with an associated digital thread is standard, maximising the value a product delivers and minimising the emissions locked in at the design stage. New approaches to product development are in place to provide high-quality and low-risk solutions to highly complex and rapidly evolving societal and environmental challenges.

Why should you attend?

  • Inform Innovate UK about priorities for further work and funding.
  • Input into the next update of the Innovate UK material and manufacturing 2050 vision.
  • Network with the community to enable collaboration.
  • Receive output from the workshop (within 1 week of the event) with the ability to provide further feedback and input.

This series of three workshops will delve into three different innovation strands identified in the Innovate UK’s material and manufacturing vision 2050.

Workshops in the series

  • Vision statement
    Design engineering is truly multidisciplinary. Open access and secure collaborative platforms facilitate “real-time”, agile product creation, engaging consumers and the full supply chain. Digital twins provide a single source of truth across all manufacturing functions. They are used for better prediction and optimisation, for streamlining and transforming processes, and for improving decision- making, increasing agility, and reducing risk.

    Circular economy principles are widely adopted. They make product upgrade, retrofit, remanufacture and repair standard practice and remove the “make-use-dispose” mindset. Design for maximum product value through-life, including re-use and recyclability, are standard practice. Regulatory targets have driven the consumer demand to understand social, economic and environmental footprints. The mindset is changing from design things right to design the right things.

  • Vision statement
    The design engineer’s imagination is augmented by next-generation tools enabling the best solutions to be rapidly and organically found for a given set of constraints. Practical and intelligent algorithms allow thousands of design options to be developed to ensure an optimum solution to meet increasingly complex requirements. Improved understanding of degradation processes and their prediction enables optimised through-life design. Artificial intelligence is universally deployed, guiding the design engineering process and automating analysis, allowing the design engineer to focus on creative tasks.

  • Vision statement
    Product assurance is rapid and dynamic and supported by advanced analysis and digital testing. This allows validation and certification to run concurrently with design engineering to greatly accelerate the delivery to market of innovative products and services.

Workshop agenda format

  • 10:00 – Welcome and Introduction – present findings from Innovate UK’s material and manufacturing vision 2050 relevant to the workshop scope
  • 10:10 – Scene setting – invited Speaker – TBC
  • 10:20 – UK strengths and opportunities, any work already done
  • 10:40 – Weaknesses, threats and barriers to sustainable growth
  • 11:00 – Identify priorities for innovation intervention – what needs to happen, and who needs to do what, and by when
  • 11:20 – Provide feedback for refinement of 2050 Vision
  • 11:35 – Potential thought leadership pieces and case studies
  • 11:45 – Any final comments
  • 12:00 – End

We will be using a Mural board to collect input. Please familiarise yourself with the Mural platform prior to joining the workshop.

For any queries, please contact Ajay Kapadia.


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