GCRF AgriFood Africa Innovation Awards Round 5: African Aquaculture Genetics

Successful UK-registered organisations will receive a grant of up to £30,000 to support new UK- Africa collaborations on aquaculture genetics. Application deadline: 7th March 2023 at 11am GMT.

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Successful UK-registered organisations will receive a grant of up to £30,000 to support new UK- Africa collaborations on aquaculture genetics.


Innovate UK KTN

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What is an Innovation Award?

Applicants can apply for an award of £30,000 (including any applicable VAT), for a 6 month project to be completed by 29th September 2023.

Projects should develop novel business models or strategies to support the effective uptake of novel aquaculture genetics or genetic improvement programmes through a defined research/ innovation project between a consortia of UK / African organisations.

Projects must show the potential to reduce poverty, increase economic prosperity and improve well-being in Africa through the uptake of aquaculture and food systems technology and innovation.

Who can apply?

Projects must be led by a UK-registered business, charity, University or Research and Technology Organisation (RTO).

The Lead can work with a consortium of partners, of which at least one must be based in an ODA-eligible African country. One partner organisation must be a registered business.

Assuming the projects and/or partners are substantially different, lead applicants from UK-registered universities/ RTOs/ charities and lead applicants from UK-registered businesses/charities can submit a maximum of two applications.

How to Apply 

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Step 1

Read the Innovation Award Guidelines.

Step 2

Complete the ‘Innovation Award Case for Support’ template. This will outline the details of your Innovation Award and budget.

Step 3

Email your ‘Innovation Award Grant Case for Support’ to gcrf.agrifood@iuk.ktn-uk.org

Your Case for Support must be submitted as a Word document, by the UK-registered lead organisation, and be received by Innovate UK KTN by: 11am GMT 7th March 2023.

Step 4

Fill out the online Application Form to finalise your application, by: 11am GMT 7th March 2023.


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